Urban fantasy Author
Official Website Of Best Selling Urban Fantasy Author Brogan Thomas.
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Cursed Wolf Creatures of the Otherworld
Rebel Unicorn Rebel of the Otherworld
Brogan Thomas Author

Brogan Thomas. Headshot by Olga Klofac Photography
​Brogan Thomas lives in Ireland but dwells in a land of imagination where worlds come alive and characters dance in the moonlit recesses of the mind. In other words, she puts her imaginary friends on paper and shares them with the world. While her writing typically falls within the urban fantasy space, she takes great inspiration from the world around her. Underdogs and transformative journeys are the hallmarks of her work and reflect the paths so many have walked.
Brogan faced challenges with dyslexia and reading struggles as a child, but once she started reading, she fell in love with the world of fiction and never stopped. This passion inspired her to start writing in 2019 after nearly two decades of working in retail. Today she is blessed to write full time, creating best-selling books that have been translated across the globe. She is a professional member of the Alliance of Independent Authors and an unyielding supporter of independent artists.
When not delving deep into fictional worlds, Brogan is typically found enjoying the company of her husband and their ten furry children: five furry minions of darkness (aka the cats), three hellhounds (the dogs), and two traditional unicorns (fat, hairy Irish cobs).
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